Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), also referred to as Oriental Medicine, is an ancient system that restores balance to the body for health, longevity, disease prevention and illness recovery. Acupuncture, food as medicine, herbal medicine, qi moving exercise (qi gong & tai qi) and manual massage-type techniques are the most common modalities that make up TCM here in the U.S.
In TCM, we believe prevention is the key to a healthy life. By learning about your own body, for example – what to eat, what level of exercise is personally optimal, what normal and healthy bodily functions look like, what your tendencies are, what factors are contributing to your life socially, environmentally and genetically, etc., you can maintain better health and ward off almost any disease. That being said, most people find their way to TCM after a disease process has already begun. There is so much that be done to moderate or reverse symptoms, restore wellness and learn new ways of living for prevention.
My personal approach to TCM is accompanied by my study of yoga and meditation. My Yin Yoga teacher, Master Paulie Zink, said, “as long as we are alive, growth is possible.” I believe this and use it to inform my practice and teachings. I prefer to meet you wherever you are in your process and to make any life changes smooth and comfortable so they will be lasting. The modalities I use work with your body’s natural intelligence and tendency toward balance. Ideally, after a course of treatments, you should only have to return if needed, if something else comes up or you just really enjoy our time together and want to. For more information, see FAQ.
I hope to see you soon,
Annie Orion Simpkins DAOM, L.Ac.